About this Collection - Disclaimer
I welcome you in this blogpage and I wish you nice Researchings, Discoveries, Visions, Understandings, Enlightments.
This blogpage is a try to collect all the marvellous efforts transmitting the known-knowledge, that was researched and collected and was given inside the filming masterpieces through the vision and the consciousness of reporting awareness and accuracy of their creators.
I wish to enrich your viewpoint and to widen it as were making to mine in different level and field each one of them.
The following of the video-posts is accidentally and the comments inside them belong to their same creators or uploaders.
There´s no kind of materialistic profit by promoting and presenting the websites and videos that are appearring on this Blog.
It is just an offering to the "higher conciousness" of yours and ours!
Please, if some posts/films are not functioning properly anymore, sent me a post and let me know.
The corruption is usually from the video hosting sites that I can maybe restore.
Feedbacks make me always happy.
Thank you
Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro
Tuesday, December 30
Tuesday, December 23
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz - The Love Code Seminar - The Concert for the Living Water, "LIVE H2O," Promotion - 11:33
DVD" he provides background on why this historic global concert to bless the "Living Water" is civilizations best chance for achieving lasting peace, world health, and universal prosperity
LOVE the real Da Vinci CODE
In this clip from Dr. Horowitz's "The LOVE CODE Seminar DVD" he provides background on why LIVE H2O is destined to be historic and globally healing--a concert baptism to bless the "Living Water" is civilizations best chance for achieving lasting peace, world health, and universal prosperity. Share this introduction and great news with others, and support LIVE H2O by visiting www.liveh2o.org.
Concert For The Living Waters
Perilous times demand extraordinary measures, including celebrations, prayers, and a historic "wedding."
This invitation features the BEST NEWS you have possibly ever heard. Press releases, video, and articles linked below feature the solution to our planet's and people's worst problems. "The Remedy in Time for 2009" is LIVE H2O--"The Concert for the Living Water," now only 6 months away!
You will want to read these articles carefully to integrate this information fully, especially how LIVE H2O intends to fulfill many prophecies, Judeo-Christian and Native/Aboriginal. Once you "get" this "Plan," then you will want to do everything you can to share this promise and great hope with others, and help promote everyone's participation in LIVE H2O.
Life will never be the same following this international "wedding" celebration. LIVE H2O marries the "universal solvent,"--Water, with the "universal language"--music, to produce the "universal healer"--LOVE. Your support, and millions of others globally, assures that our "New Song" shall open people's hearts, and raise people's awareness, to co-create lasting Peace on Earth, World Health, and Universal Prosperity.
Beyond naive idealism, this "wedding" is all about ending needless suffering due to political impositions and socioeconomic ignorance. It is endorsed by many of the world's leading scientists, physicians, mathematicians, physics, and musicologists.Β This "Plan" can free humanity optimally and practically from degenerative insanity and self-destructive policies. LIVE H2O provides simple solutions to complex problems facing humanity and ecology today, that you will want to sing about and celebrate with your family and friends.
Thank you, in advance, for supporting HealthyWorldStore. com that is helping to finance and actualize this most wonderful spiritual blessing and holiday celebration.
After the "wedding," everyday is going to
be a holiday.
Much LOVE in 528; in the Spirit of health,
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz
Overseer, Managing Member
Healthy World Distributing, LLC
Water Concert Brings John Lennon's
"Plan" and Beatles Saga to Life
GOOGLE Video: Dr. Horowitz Discusses
LIVE H2O and The Living Water
Historic Concert to Bless Water for
Peace, Health and Prosperity
Pi, PHI, 528 and LIVE H20: Proof that the Frequency 528(Hz) is Central to Spiritual Freedom, Transformational Math, Sacred Geometry, Matrix Cosmology, and the "Music of the Light." __._,_.___
Tuesday, December 2
AIDS Inc. - Gary Null (2007) - 1:54:09
AIDS, Inc. is a film about the multi-billion dollar AIDS industry, and how it profits from continuing fears and misconceptions about the disease. While AIDS grabs the headlines and raises billions of dollars with celebrity endorsements and billionaire endowments, we are no closer to finding a cure than when the scourge first appeared 30 years ago. Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit on a system that it knew was flawed from the beginning? Doctor Robert Gallo who discovered the HIV virus said that there is no legitimate dissent when it comes to AIDS. But there are more than 5,000 physicians, microbiologists, journalists and activists who disagree and say that we have been misled about the real causes of AIDS and the nature of its treatment. The mainstream media has chosen not to provide an outlet for their opinions. In this important film, documentary filmmaker and health expert Gary Null, traveled to more than 30 countries over an eight year period to seek them out and get their interviews. This is the first film on AIDS that brings the most compelling of their arguments together in one place. Dr. Null blows the lid off the wealthy AIDS industry and shows how greed and corruption have prevented any real progress in fighting the epidemic or its underlying causes. The film challenges the entrenched notion that AIDS or HIV is an African monkey virus that is spread sexually and can be "treated" with harmful drugs. Instead, the film considers the common underlying conditions of the epidemic, such as malnutrition, unclean water, poverty, illness, and poor lifestyle choices. The evidence is damning, and a clarion call to the public that the AIDS Industrial Complex is on the wrong track and has become a spending juggernaut completely out of control. For more information visit www.garynull.com DVD copies are available at www.garynull.com
John Trudell
An Excerpt from Heather Ray's Documentary Trudell. John Trudell speaks the truth so eloquently he helps to make sense of our global environmental dilemma.
John Trudell, Crazy Horse - The Original Video 6,01 min.
Crazy Horse, from Bone Days by John Trudell. To those who have gone on before us.
Wounded Knee Massacre December 29, 1890.
Lest we forget
It has been noted that another version of this video is on You Tube under the guise of "ooNATIVEoo".
The video is my work and I am grateful for all the comments that people have left over the past 10 months. The more people that are touched by the spirit of this video the better. Sharing work is good medicine providing you honour the creator (in both senses).
Here are the lyrics.
credited Trudell/Sahme (aka Quiltman)
Crazy Horse
We Hear what you say
One earth one mother
One does not sell the earth
The people walk upon
We are the land
How do we sell our mother
How do we sell the stars
How do we sell the air
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
Too many people
Standing their ground
Standing the wrong ground
Predators face he possessed a race
Possession a war that doesn't end
Children of god feed on children of earth
Days people don't care for people
These days are the hardest
Material fields material harvest
decoration on chains that binds
Mirrors gold the people lose their minds
Crazy Horse
We Hear what you say
One earth one mother
One does not sell the earth
The people walk upon
We are the land
Today is now and then
Dream smokes touch the clouds
On a day when death didn't die
Real world time tricks shadows lie
Red white perception deception
Predator tries civilising us
But the tribes will not go without return
Genetic light from the other side
A song from the heart our hearts to give
The wild days the glory days live
Crazy Horse
We Hear what you say
One earth one mother
One does not sell the earth
The people walk upon
We are the land
How do we sell our mother
How do we sell the stars
How do we sell the air
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
Crazy Horse
We hear what you say
We are the seventh generation
We are the seventh generation
John Trudell spoken word
Quiltman Traditional Vocals
Mark Shark slide guitar and percussion
Ricky Eckstein Keyboards and percussion
Billy Watts Electric guitar
Listen to the album Three Sisters by Quiltman!
Thursday, November 27
Ask the cave man 2:37
CNN's Frederik Pleitgen goes to a unique man to get advice on how to deal with the financial crisis.
Wednesday, November 26
The Evolution of Indigo Children, Indigo Adults and Crystal Beings
Part 2 4,46 min.
Monday, November 24
Interview Masaru Emoto
Interview with Dr. Masaru Emoto about the effects of his discovery for us in daily life
Water medicijn geneest healing masaru emoto interview rice rijst
Symbols In Healing- Reiki (1 - 4)
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Reiki Symbols
Explanation of the traditional Usui reiki symbols and how they are used.
How to boost your Immune System. The latest Bio-Technology - Transfer Factors
Part 2
Dr.Rob Robertson will reveal to you the secret to Boost your Immune System IQ without using Drugs. The Secret is the discovery of "Transfer Factor", which is considered the greatest discovery in the history of preventive medicine.
It's a Natural Molecule and it's going to change the way we look after our body
What are Transfer Factors?
not a vitamin
not a mineral
not an herb
not a phytonutrient
Transfer Factors are the smallest molecules in colostrum. Every mother who breast-feeds her infant passes on her own immunity -- in fact she passes on all of the information her immune system has gained during her lifetime. This process begins with the first milk; the pre-maternal milk called colostrum. The most valuable of the "immunity weapons" in colostrum are the smallest molecules called Transfer Factors.
2. What do Transfer Factors do?
Three important functions of transfer factors:
Boost the immune system
Increase the intelligence of the immune system
Modulate the immune system - and much, much more
1) Boosts the immune system by boosting Natural Killer (NK) cell activity. NK cells are a key part of our body's defense against infection and sickness. They seek and destroy infected or malignant cells through direct contact. NK cells are especially important in fighting cancer cells, and cells infected by viruses, bacteria and fungi.
2) Raises our immune I.Q. Transfer Factors download a 'blueprint' of the mother's immune system to the recipient. This provides thousands of new 'photographs' for our immune system to quickly recognise new threats. They provide accurate information to build a swift attack, cutting down the time it takes to fight infection. They provide immune markers to more quickly guide T cell reactions to an invader.
3) Suppresses an over-active immune system. An out-of-control immune system attacks healthy cells. The suppressor fraction of Transfer Factor dampens down this activity. This fraction of Transfer Factor is particularly effective in helping autoimmune conditions.
Who discovered Transfer Factor?
In 1949, Dr H. Sherwood Lawrence made a very significant discovery. In the process of studying tuberculosis, which was a major health threat at the time, he discovered an immune response could be transferred from a donor to a recipient through an injection of an extract of white blood cells.
Further investigation led him to conclude that this immune extract must contain "factors" that made it possible to transfer the donor's immunity to the recipient. He called these molecules "transfer factors."
In 1989, two researchers completed what was to become a patented process for actually extracting transfer factors from cow colostrum, resulting in a concentrated form. In 1999, the effectiveness and safety of transfer factor supplementation was validated by scores of clinical studies worldwide. Scientists are just beginning to grasp the profound implications of transfer factor therapy in determining the health of not only present, but future generations.
Dr Gary Wilson and Dr Greg Paddock successfully completed a myriad of tests to win USDA approval for their transfer factor technology. It is this unique, patented technology that makes it possible to isolate or to separate transfer factors from cow colostrum. Through this extraction technique, pure transfer factors can be collected from the cow's first milk, dried and then encapsulated for human consumption.
Do Health Professionals work with Transfer Factor?
Yes. There are already Health Professionals working with Transfer Factor all around the world, including many renowned surgeons and doctors who recommend Transfer Factor to all their patients included asthma , eczema, and fibromyalgia and for anyone who want to stay healthy.
Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behavior Aspartame MSG - 49 min
Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behavior MSG
Nutricion and Behavior
A Lecture by Russell Blaylock
The Truth about Aspartame
by Russell Blaylock, M.D.
Friday, November 21
Bach Flower Remedies: The Journey to Simple Healing
Part 1 - 9,47 min.
Part 2 - 9,19 min.
Part 3 - 4,40 min.
In use since the 1930s, Bach Flower Remedies are known throughout the world as a safe and effective form of complementary medicine. This documentary looks at the discovery of the Flower Remedies by Dr Edward Bach and explains the tradition of making the Mother Tinctures.
History of Bach
Welcome to Rescue
Monday, November 17
The Tibet Project - a documentary in the making - 4,20 min.
World governments sit back and watch as Tibet faces possible extinction. The Dalai Lama advocates the Middle Way Approach but many Tibetans say things must now change. In this fight against time for Tibet, who is right ? Tibet is an issue with relevance to the entire world.
A documentary in the making by independent film makers based in Adelaide, South Australia. For more information visit www.thetibetproject.com
Dental Education from Australian volunteerers inTashi Palkhiel
Outlining the relief work we are doing in Nepal with Tibetan and Nepali people. Both Dental and education services are provided. The past three years and where we are heading. Give us your support. www.tashipa.com and www.lammag.com
Part 2 - 8,59 min.
Second half of a fund raising movie showing the relief work which has been done by Tashi Palkhiel AUstralia. Dentistry and education to both Tibetan and Nepali people in Nepal. www.tashipa.com and www.lammag.com
Quecksilber the strange story of dental amalgam - 11,08 min.
A preview of a one hour fully referenced documentary about the enormous danger of mercury from dental amalgam. At www.lammag.com and www.bcd.com.au
The Road to Guantanamo 2006 - 92 Min
Channel 4
Starring: Farhad Harun, Arfan Usman, Rizwan Ahmed, Waqar Siddiqi, Shahid Iqbal Directed by: Michael Winterbottom, Mat Whitecross 95 minutes, UK (2006), In this compelling docudrama by Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross, the 'Tipton Three' narrate their own experiences in America's controversial offshore detention camp The Road To Guantánamo opens with archive footage of George W Bush, flanked by a stern-faced Tony Blair, declaring his certain knowledge that all the detainees held in Guantánamo are "bad people". Everything that follows is designed to turn these words inside out, as three young British Muslims tell the story of how they came to be in US custody at Guantánamo for over two years, and discuss the Kafkaesque horrors that awaited them there, until finally they were released without charge or apology. The title may evoke the Bing Crosby and Bob Hope 'Road' movies of the 1940s, travel-themed musical comedies with a vaguely racist depiction of non-Americans, but the exotic journey embarked upon by the so-called 'Tipton Three' was to take them into areas that were politically incorrect in an altogether different way. It would be easy to criticise The Road to Guantánamo for being one-sided (it is), and for failing to contextualise the conduct of the US (there is not even a passing mention of 9/11), but such objections miss the point. Many times Bush, Blair and other politicians have used their considerable public platforms to present a similarly partisan, at times even subsequently discredited justification for different aspects of their 'War on Terror', including the unlimited detention without trial of men like the Tipton Three. The trio, and the more than 800 prisoners who remain at America's Cuban base, were not able to communicate their version of events to a lawyer or judge, let alone to the outside world. The Road To Guantánamo gives them their day in court, and the story these "bad people" tell is one that well deserves a hearing
Saturday, November 15
The Corporation Movie
Part 2 - 60 Min
A Film By Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott & Joel Bakan
Monday, November 10
David Dees - Jeso "Sheepsrage"
All sheep are equal but some are more equal...
watch david's illustrations and support the march...
The Art of David Dees
David Dees Illustration
Saturday, November 1
Large Hadron Rap
Rappin' about CERN's Large Hadron Collider! Links below...
Apparently YouTube fixed the sound! Still, Will Barras made two options trying to get around the original problems:
Other YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T 3iryBLZCOQ
Vimeo: http://www.vimeo.com/1431471?pg=embed...
Vimeo is downloadable if you log in.
There has been a lot of interest in the original mp3, lyrics, and vocals for remixing. You can find all that here:
There's also been interest in translation. You can get a subtitle-free version from Vimeo here (downloadable):
With backing track available here (with and without Hawking-style voice):
Go ahead and translate, rap it, and post it! Just give us a shout-out, and it's probably a good idea to include the following credits ;-)
Images came from:
particlephysics.ac.uk, space.com, the Institute of Physics, NASA, Symmetry, and Marvel
I forgot Einstein Online, and they called me out: http://www.einstein-online.info
The talented dancers doubled as camera people, with some work by Neil Dixon. Stock footage is CERN's.
Will Barras is responsible for the killa beats:
And thanks to MC Hawking, who first thought of using computer-voice to bring Stephen Hawking to the world of rap :-)
The rapper has a day job (we agree this is a good thing) as a science writer.
They'll have a lot of data to sort. 15 million GB per year, actually. Want to get involved and donate your computer's downtime? Try LHC@home:
The Large Hadron Rap Lyrics
Twenty-seven kilometers of tunnel under ground
Designed with mind to send protons around
A circle that crosses through Switzerland and France
Sixty nations contribute to scientific advance
Two beams of protons swing round, through the ring they ride
‘Til in the hearts of the detectors, they’re made to collide
And all that energy packed in such a tiny bit of room
Becomes mass, particles created from the vacuum
And then…
LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
The LHC accelerates the protons and the lead
And the things that it discovers will rock you in the head.
We see asteroids and planets, stars galore
We know a black hole resides at each galaxy’s core
But even all that matter cannot explain
What holds all these stars together – something else remains
This dark matter interacts only through gravity
And how do you catch a particle there’s no way to see
Take it back to the conservation of energy
And the particles appear, clear as can be
You see particles flying, in jets they spray
But you notice there ain’t nothin’, goin’ the other way
You say, “My law has just been violated – it don’t make sense!
There’s gotta be another particle to make this balance.”
And it might be dark matter, and for first
Time we catch a glimpse of what must fill most of the known ‘Verse.
LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
Antimatter is sort of like matter’s evil twin
Because except for charge and handedness of spin
They’re the same for a particle and its anti-self
But you can’t store an antiparticle on any shelf
Cuz when it meets its normal twin, they both annihilate
Matter turns to energy and then it dissipates
When matter is created from energy
Which is exactly what they’ll do in the LHC
You get matter and antimatter in equal parts
And they try to take that back to when the universe starts
The Big Bang – back when the matter all exploded
But the amount of antimatter was somehow eroded
Because when we look around we see that matter abounds
But antimatter’s nowhere to be found.
That’s why…
LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
The LHC accelerates the protons and the lead
And the things that it discovers will rock you in the head.
The Higgs Boson – that’s the one that everybody talks about.
And it’s the one sure thing that this machine will sort out
If the Higgs exists, they ought to see it right away
And if it doesn’t, then the scientists will finally say
“There is no Higgs! We need new physics to account for why
Things have mass. Something in our Standard Model went awry.”
But the Higgs – I still haven’t said just what it does
They suppose that particles have mass because
There is this Higgs field that extends through all space
And some particles slow down while other particles race
Straight through like the photon – it has no mass
But something heavy like the top quark, it’s draggin’ its ***
And the Higgs is a boson that carries a force
And makes particles take orders from the field that is its source.
They’ll detect it….
LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
Now some of you may think that gravity is strong
Cuz when you fall off your bicycle it don’t take long
Until you hit the earth, and you say, “Dang, that hurt!”
But if you think that force is powerful, you’re wrong.
You see, gravity – it’s weaker than Weak
And the reason why is something many scientists seek
They think about dimensions – we just live in three
But maybe there are some others that are too small to see
It’s into these dimensions that gravity extends
Which makes it seem weaker, here on our end.
And these dimensions are “rolled up” – curled so tight
That they don’t affect you in your day to day life
But if you were as tiny as a graviton
You could enter these dimensions and go wandering on
And they'd find you...
When LHCb sees where the antimatter’s gone
ALICE looks at collisions of lead ions
CMS and ATLAS are two of a kind
They’re looking for whatever new particles they can find.
The LHC accelerates the protons and the lead
And the things that it discovers will rock you in the head.
Heróis - Heroes - Герои - 英雄 - ήρωες - Helden - नायकों -
HD video :
English :
"Truth or consequence, say it aloud! Use that evidence, race it around!"
This awesome production video was made by a friend, Chewbacca2000.
The 9/11 Truth Movement is growing fast, and it will keep on growing because once youve looked into the facts of 9/11, you can only come to the conclusion that the official story simply CANNOT be true. And once you realise that, theres no going back. Over 80% of Americans believe there was a cover up.
too alarming now to talk about
take your pictures down
and shake it out
truth or consequence, say it aloud
use that evidence race it around
there goes my hero
watch him as he goes
there goes my hero
he's ordinary
don't the best of them bleed it out
while the rest of them peter out
truth or consequence, say it aloud
use that evidence race it around
kudos my hero
leaving all the best
you know my hero
the one that's on
And dont forget to share to your friends, the video Zeitgeist Addendum
Friday, October 31
Zeitgeist 2 : Addendum - Subtitles English / French - 123 Min
Zeitgeist: Addendum, by Peter Joseph 2008 English Subtitles ! French See ya later on thezeitgeistmovement.com You can Download Srt file here :
EN: http://dotsub.com/media/d1806b4b-d485-4e25-8428-89566f629549/c/eng/srt
FR: http://dotsub.com/media/d1806b4b-d485-4e25-8428-89566f629549/c/fre_fr/srt
You can check or start translation in your own language here on dotsub.com
Directed and Produced by
Peter Joseph
Quotes from the movie as a summary:
The film shows us the important issue of our ansient-old "Money System" or "Monetary System" or the system of "Monetaryism", that based always only on the "profit" of the few on the top of the pyramid, the "elit", and served by the ancient-old institutions of “governments”, “religions” or “law” institutions which must always sustain themselves and thus always has been corrupted by the “elit” in serving the “Monetaryism” and not the environmentally well-being of the people.
Therefore, it´s always been dictatorship governments regardless if were direct or covered with “freedom masks” under the names of “democracy, socialism, communism, fasism etc”.
There are always have been slaves in this system that is based on money, under empires and today the slavery is in the highest point that ever have been in the human history, inside a covered empire which is trying to establish itself every moment in the modern history, by the big corporations. The “Corportocracy”
It is a war against humanity and debt is the lethal weapon against us, for the elit create money out of thin air and constantly tries to enslave people and countries through debt and corruption.
They use the fossil fuels like coal, oil, nuclear power, etc, because they can control them
And don´t hesitate to, for example, “accidently” split oil in the oceans and the rivers, just for to rise the prices and the profits from it.
But there are many clean and free resources other than the fossil fuels.
The Wind energy, the Solar energy, the Tidal energy, the Wave energy and most efficient,
the Geothermical energy. All these are available to us, human beings, now, today!
They are limitless, renewable, clean and can provide us with energy to whatever needs, forever!
The corporations can never be ethical because they stand and exist on profit.
Therefore we, humans, will never be able to fully trust each other and lovingly progress ourselves because of the implant scarcity of resources in our brains and therefore the necessity of money and jobs, directed from the elit´s institutions and their mass media, supporting daily their foundation, the “monetary system”.
Jacques Fresco, envisioned and suggests that, a “Resource Based Economy” system, in cooperation with the Technology, can create a world of abundance, peace and well-being to all human-beings in the world!
A world where only clean-renewable-limitless resources are used, where technology and machines are used for all the labor necessities and human beings need no longer to submit to labor because nothing is buyed and nothing is sold.
A world that money don´t exist ´cause there´s no need for them.
A world that no criminals exist and no wars, because there is free abundance to all.
A world that no corruption exists and human beings fully trust each other.
Technology is what gave us all the benefits we daily use, not the monetary institutions.
The survival of the environment and our human nature rights will not be able to be, in the monetary system. Therefore the monetary system need to be replaced from a
Resource Based Economy – Technology system.
So, support the monetary system no longer, take no more loans. Boycott the profit institutions, banks or companies that cooperate with the Federal Reserve & the World Bank.
Stop watching news in TV, watch the news in independent news agencies on the internet with no prefiltered news.
We must protect the internet at all times because is really our savior right now.
Don´t ever allow yourself, a member of your family or anyone you know to join the military.
The soldiers and armies work for the big corporations not the people, trying to maintain an establishment that is no longer relevant.
Don´t support the energy powers, try to power your house or company with clean energy that exist already some time now.
Get the smallest car you can and enable it to run on hybric or electric or any other than the establishment fuels.
Reject the political system. In a monetary system there´s no such thing as a “true democracy” and there never was. Focus your energy on how to transcend this failed system.
Join the movement. Go to the “thezeitgeistmovement.com” and help creating the largest movement of social change the world has ever seen.
Spread the word and educate everybody that you can about the inherent corruption of our current world system along with the only true sustainable solution, declaring all the natural resources on the planet as common heritage to all people, while informing everyone as to the true state of technology and how we can all be free if the world works together rather than fights.
The real revolution is the revolution of consciousness!
Let´s transform our lifes to… “Weapons of Mass Creation"
Saturday, October 25
Toxic Dust Whistleblower - Mike McCormack - 20 Min
Major Mike McCormack is a hospital technician and civil air patrol pilot who worked the ground zero site for eight days after the collapse of the twin towers. McCormack describes his experiences on the day of 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up that exposed countless rescue personel, police and firemen to toxic dust from which they would never recover
Dust to Dust: The Health Effects of 9/11, Whitehouse lied recovery workers died! - 58 Min
Health effects arising from the September 11, 2001 attacks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_arising_from_the_September_11%2C_2001_attacks
Into 2006 there has been growing concern over the health effects of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the Financial District of lower Manhattan. With the moment of the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7 of the World Trade Center, pulverized buildings, electronic equipment and furniture propelled forward from former buildings. Additionally, in the five months following the attacks dust from the pulverized buildings continued to fill the air of the World Trade Center site. Increasing numbers of New York residents are reporting symptoms of Ground Zero respiratory illnesses.
Written by Bruce Kennedy
Directed by Heidi Dehncke-Fisher
Thursday, October 23
My warning and message to you:
Original message:
"First contact - Begins 14th October 2008"
Is the October 14th 2008 event going to be real?
Will this be the infamous project bluebeam?
Is it just a delusion?
Be skeptical, question EVERYTHING. Always.
Note: I am a SKEPTICAL BELIEVER. I've seen what I believe to be UFO objects. I've had dreams where I felt like I was contacted.
DESPITE this evidence, I still potentially consider that much of the UFO and alien phenomenon are a government/illuminati HOAX.
TRUST your heart. I believe, but I will not trust what I see with my eyes.
The CHEMTRAIL time lapse footage from user chemtrailcop :) thanks!
Disclosure now
Run from the Cure - The Rick Simson Story "HEMP OIL CURES CANCER"
RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story.
A Film By Christian Laurette - After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge - curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!
Canada is in the middle of a CANCER EPIDEMIC! Meet the people who were not allowed to testify on Rick's behalf at the Supreme Court of Canada's Infamous Rick Simpson Trial on September 10, 2007... INCLUDING A MAN WHO WAS CURED OF TERMINAL CANCER USING HEMP OIL!
(Parental Guidance Suggested - Mature subject matter.)
LINKS: http://www.youtube.com/chrychek
Part 2 of 7
Part 3 of 7
Part 4 of 7
Part 5 of 7
Part 6 of 7
Part 7 of 7
Tuesday, October 21
Terrorstorm - 112 Min
Our leaders have told us that the war on terror may last a hundred years; a new kind of war against a shadowy enemy that can n ever be defeated. Generation after generation will have to lay down its liberty in an endless war for global empire The evil men who rise to power know well that terrorism is the perfect specter to convince populations to relinquish their lib erty in the name of security. TERRORSTORM explores who pulls the strings and who benefits from the dark spectacle of modern warfare. This incredible new fil m answers the questions: Do the people know how they are controlled? Do they understand the systems of power that surround them, the modern propaganda machines of public relations that wash their brains and fill their minds full of ball games and mindless fluff? Is the population beginning to realize that governments throughout history have used the specter of fear to drive their popula tions to acquiesce to total tyranny? TERRORSTORM examines September 11th, the Iraq War, the 7/7 Bombings in London, and the coming invasion of Iran to reveal the c onnections between these seemingly separate events. Jones reviews the current geopolitical structure in the shadow of 9/11 thr ough a focused historical lens and uncovers accounts of government sponsored terrorism that are openly admitted to by western governments.
The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - 81 Min.
The most definitive video existing DOCUMENTING the FBI's conspiracy to kill MLK. As MLK went above and beyond issues of Civil Rights, the policy makers behind the secret curtain had to have him killed. Black America . . . . PLEASE join the fight to expose the evil shadow government. I highly sugget EVERYONE to use www.infowars.com to get their daily news from to learn about the the tyrants in control of this world.
Denis Mueller MPI
Waren Leming
Incident at Oglala - Leonard Peltier
Spanish Fork Motion Picture
Produced and narrated by Robert Redford, directed by Michael Apted,
'Incident at Oglala' bares the bones of "one of the most infamous political frame-ups in modern U.S. history."
[(Book) The Long Struggle of Leonard Peltier By JOE ALLEN and PAUL D'AMATO]
Free Leonard Peltier! www.freepeltier.org/
Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
International Peltier Forum
MySpace.com - Els
Part Two - 46 Min
Friday, October 17
We're in a lot of trouble!! See and think for yourselves - Alex Jones (4,40 min.)
Thursday, October 16
Terrence McKenna’s Timewave Zero
timewavezero clip 10,59 min.
According to Terrence McKenna's Timewave Zero theory, the ebb and flow of landmark events in the universe is an inherent quality of time.
If this is true, then time is speeding up quicker than we imagined if the impending stock market crash is relevant to the crash of 1929.
As we move toward the 2012 end date of McKenna's theory, he expected us to re-live every major event in history.
Are we currently in the Timewave of 1929?
If so, we can expect to, once again, experience WWII, Vietnam, the Summer of Love, the Gulf Wars, etc...
The Summer of Love would be cool, but the wars have to end!
It makes me wonder if 9-11 was WWI...
If we're currently in the McKenna's time period of 1929, and time is speeding up, then is the end date correct for all of the indigineous calendars with a 2011/2012 end date?
Is it possible that the powers that be have induced the timeline to to quicken up?
Has there been some kind of "intervention" to speed up the process?
To those followers of McKenna, what do you think about what's going on?
The dot is on the upper left part of this picture is where were at today... which means we're spiraling toward singularity.
2012: Matrix Singularity Seminar Part 2--Fractal Time 9,10 min.
In this live seminar we explore the concept of the fractal form of time, leading up to the end of the current historical era in 2012. The form of fractal time is the timewave, which shows significant similarities at large and small scales.
Timewave Theory based on the Mayan calendar
Enlarged views of the Current Timewave:
If you'd like to discuss this on my forum, then click HERE
Blossom Goodchild
Blossom Goodchild updates 16th October 7,43 min.
It's gotta be difficult to be in her shoes right now.
I don't think any hatred toward Blossom is going to help the situation. If she intended to misinform people, then she'll have her own karma to deal with and won't need any additional hatred from anyone else.
If she truly meant what she said, then I admire her for following her own truth and conviction. More people should follow their own heart instead of being so heavily influenced by others.
I always look at the positive side of any situation. During these several months, this news story was being followed by millions of people around the planet. With that kind of public interest, one would think a major newspaper or television station would pick up on the story but they didn't. That shows how the mainstream media is following their own agenda and that the possibility of this might be damaging to the sheep mentality. Mainstream media does not like to encourage people to think outside the box.
There were many people who followed the flock mentality regarding this story. Deep inside, most of them probably hoped for a "First Contact" but wanted to protect their egos and the possibility that they would be publicly humiliated by hoping for such an event to occur. Deep inside, whether they know it or not, many of these sheeple admire the courage Blossom had for speaking her truth and most of these people were, at least, partially excited about the possibility of a First Contact event.
Casinos were taking action of this event with the odds initially listed at 1000-1. The odds dropped to 100-1 after many people placed bets on First Contact. Eventually, the casinos stopped taking bets because too many people were betting on the event to occur and the casinos wouldn't be able to pay any additional bettors if the event occurred. I'm sure the casinos were following this event quite closely.
That brings us to those who had no clue about this event, but decided to follow the story to see where it would go. During this time period, some people began their spiritual journey after being awakened through this news item and through subsequent research of the metaphysical world. To those people, I say, "Welcome aboard" and don't lose focus of what it about to occur in the next few years.
Whether Blossom intentionally misled people or not, she, and everyone else on this planet, deserves the same unconditional love and forgiveness that we all should be showing one another.
2012 Gregg
Blossom Goodchild clarifies October 14th 8,57 min.
Blossom Goodchild clarifies FACTS regarding October 14th
Sunday, October 12
Mahatma Gandhi - 'Pilgrim of Peace'
Part 1/5
Taken from the documentry:
Mahatma - Pilgrem of Peace
Part 2/5
Part 3/5
Part 4/5Part 5/5
Mahatma Gandhi : Film : MAHATMA - Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 (5hrs 10min) - 309 Min.
The Gandhi National Memorial Fund - www.gandhiserve.org
Water - Fire - Earth Film Trilogy by Deepa Mehta
Water - Part1
hindi film with english subtitle
Water - Part2
Water - Part3
Water - Part4
Water - Part5
Water - Part6
Water - Part7
Water - Part8
Water - Part9
Water - Part10 - The End
Fire 1/12
Fire 2/12
Ashok (Kulbhushan Kharbanda) runs a family business that sells takeout food that also has a video rental store at the side...
Fire 3/12
Fire 4/12
Fire 5/12
Fire 6/12
Fire 7/12Fire 8/12
Fire 9/12
Fire 10/12
Fire 11/12
Fire 12/12
1947 Earth (Tierra)
1947 Earth (2)
1947 Earth (3)
1947 Earth (4)1947 Earth ( 5 )
1947 Earth (6)
1947 Earth (7)
1947 - Earth(8)
1947 Earth(9)
1947 Earth(10)
1947 Earth(11)
1947 Earth(12)
(From me: For the Trilogy: Social and Religious backgrounds in India of the times of Mahatma Gandhi - influenced or caused by his teachings and politics)
(Anti) New Age Brainwashing Exposed - 106 Min
(Anti) New Age Brainwashing Exposed
(From me: Dokymanter for the control of people´s minds based on the view point of a christian-conversed ex-guru Rabi Maharaj. Although the film ends in dogmatic conclussions, indeed shows some critical social facts about the new - age industrie and misleading of people´s seek for spirituality and this is the reason, and only, that I offer you this video)
Friday, October 10
Thursday, October 9
Are you ready to go home to 5-D Earth? - 8,46 min.
from http://www.maya12-21-2012.com/
Certain vibrations of fear and hate can not coexist on 5-D Earth. Now is the time to reprogram our minds to the vibration of love because this window of opportunity will not last long.
Why will people get left behind?
1. Some people are not spiritually in vibration with the rest of the planet.
2. Some people live in fear. We have two basic emotions: love and fear.
3. Some people place a high value on money.
4. Some people place a high value of materialistic items.
5. Some people are greedy.
6. Some people are control freaks.
7. Some people think the world revolves around them.
8. Some people are not consciously practicing unconditional love to one another.
9. Some people constantly think negative thoughts.
10. Some people are trapped inside the box.
Did you ever wonder, Why do we even need to work? To earn money??? What if money didnt exist anymore? What type of work will we be doing in a peaceful, coexisting society? We were taught that we need money and have to work, yet most of our hard earned money goes to the 13 controlling bloodlines who rule this planet.
You can continue to follow the flock and remain with these bloodlines or begin your spiritual journey right now! This window of opportunity will not be open much longer. Our 3rd dimensional life is all about the decisions we make and how those decisions affect our daily lives. Lets face it, we all know somebody who seems to enjoy being miserable so its okay if that person decides to miss this opportunity and is content living on 3D Earth.
Don't worry about anyone who is evil or corrupted. Their vibrations will keep the locked in this reality. Their evil and darkness is actually needed to awaken people to their true spiritual purpose. You didnt incarnate to become rich and wealthy. Youre here to make a difference on this planet and to witness the Golden Age. Before you agreed to come here, you knew you could make a difference in this world and that you wouldnt follow the flock.
If youre awakened at this point, life is truly beautiful. If you havent, including the powers currently ruling this planet, theres still the opportunity to make this transition but the window is closing little by little each day.
The boat for 5-D Earth will be departing soon. There are 6.6 billion people on this planet and 6.6 billion reservations made. Everyone has the opportunity be part of this process which only comes around approximately once every 26,000 years.
Are you ready to go home to 5D Earth??
Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty (Interview)
4. Oktober 2008
Interview with Naomi Wolf author of "Give Me Liberty: A Handbook for American Revolutionaries" given October 4, 2008 on Mind Over Matters, KEXP 90.3 FM Seattle.
The End of America - Talk by Naomi Wolf - 47:47 min.
14. Oktober 2007
Talk by Naomi Wolf author of "The End of America: Letter of Warning To A Young Patriot" given October 11, 2007 at Kane Hall on the University of Washington campus.
Downloadable audio mp3 of this talk can be found at http://www.radio4all.net/proginfo.php...
Interview with Naomi Wolf discussing "The End of America" available at http://youtube.com/watch?v=aW9PulYpjGs
And more interviews:
Tuesday, October 7
Future By Design / The Venus Project - Jacque Fresco
Future by Design shares the life and far-reaching vision of Jacque Fresco, considered by many to be a modern day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a "generalist" or multi-disciplinarian -- a student of many inter-related fields. He is a prolific inventor, having spent his entire life (he is now 90 years old) conceiving of and devising inventions on various scales which entail the use of innovative technology. As a futurist, Jacque is not only a conceptualist and a theoretician, but he is also an engineer and a designer.
Click here for Screensaver or
here for books, videos and DVD´s
Designs by Jacque Fresco.
Model, Rendering, and Photos by Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows
Jaques Fresco in Future by Design 7,42 min.
... about society, god and human nature.
The Venus Project part 1
promotional video of the Venus Project
The Venus Project part 2
Saturday, October 4
Zeitgeist: Addendum - 123 Min
Zeitgeist: Addendum, by Peter Joseph 2008
Friday, October 3
Banking Collapse Announces the Beginning of the Golden Age (3,34 min.)
It's time to break out of this paradigm. The only people that truly hold us back are ourselves.
Please pass this on to others.
Thursday, October 2
Wake Up Call - Remastered Edition (NEW) - New World Order Documentary - 2008 - 150 Min
John Nada - www.myspace.com/johnnada80
New remastered version of Wake Up Call...See my MySpace page (www.myspace.com/johnnada80) for high quality DVD's and torrent links... Some of the topics covered in the film: The New World Order, Federal Reserve, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, North American Union, the Rockefeller/Rothschild families, Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove, the Illuminati, Illuminati symbolism, Problem-Reaction-Solution, 9-11, war profiteering, the phoney 'War on Terrorism', the impending 'Big Brother Surveillance Society', the war on civil liberties, microchipping, mind control, media control and 'education system' indoctrination... Featuring: Alex Jones, David Icke, Aaron Russo, Jordan Maxwell, G. Edward Griffin, Jim Marrs, Bill Hicks, Daniel Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others... Contact me at: johnnada@hushmail.com...Please spread the word as much as you can!