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I welcome you in this blogpage and I wish you nice Researchings, Discoveries, Visions, Understandings, Enlightments.
This blogpage is a try to collect all the marvellous efforts transmitting the known-knowledge, that was researched and collected and was given inside the filming masterpieces through the vision and the consciousness of reporting awareness and accuracy of their creators.
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Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro
Tuesday, May 12
Playing for Change ~ Song Around The World: "War/No More Trouble" - 5:09 min.
http://playingforchange.com - As we made our way around the world we encountered love, hate, rich and poor, black and white, and many different religious groups and ideologies. It became very clear that as a human race we need to transcend from the darkness to the light and music is our weapon of the future. This song around the world features musicians who have seen and overcome conflict and hatred with love and perseverance. We dont need more trouble, what we need is love. The spirit of Bob Marley always lives on.
This is the fourth Song Around The World video released from the CD/DVD Playing For Change: Songs Around The World and the follow up to the classics "Stand By Me," "One Love" and "Don't Worry." This unforgetable track was performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe.
Order the CD/DVD Playing For Change Songs Around The World" now at amazon.com!
The Playing For Change "Songs Around The World" CD/DVD is also available at your neighborhood Starbucks and everywhere music is sold.
Order the "War/No More Trouble," "Stand By Me," "Don't Worry," and "One Love" videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes!
Sign up at http://playingforchange.com for updates and exclusive content. You can also buy cool stuff in our new online store!
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Join the movement to help inspire people from around the world to come together through music.
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