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Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro
Saturday, May 16
Alex Jones Channel Suspended by youtube May 04, 09 and more independent Channels also
Here's a link to YouTube's Help Center:
And here's some more contact info for YouTube:
Official Address:
YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
please ask them to reinstate thealexjoneschannel and do not be impolite but show them we are upset and have reason to be!
Alex Jones Channel Suspended by youtube May 04, 09 - 8:35 min
Hard to believe, but youtube suspended this guy's channel. Dave had thousands of Alex's videos posted with millions of hits and thousands of subscribers. A crazy amount of information and I would imagine thousands of hours of work by dave. You can now find his new work here: http://www.youtube.com/user/THElNFOWA... . Don't you just love youtube now? Bloody censors!
Contact you tube at
You can contact YouTube at the address below. YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066. USA Phone: +1 .... Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Alex Jones Suspended by You Tube (Action needed!) - 8:40 min.
The Official Alex Jones account has been suspended from YouTube. Spread the word! We all need to take action to get YouTube to reinstate TheAlexJonesChannel.
Firstly, please subscribe to the new home of The Alex Jones channel: http://www.youtube.com/THElNFOWARRlOR
(UPDATE: SUSPENDED AS OF May 11th 2009!)
New Backup Channel:
We need to build these channels back up again as quickly as possible. DON'T LET GOOGLE WIN!
We need to support THElNFOWARRlOR and get the word out to as many people as possible. We also need to bombard YouTube's Help Center with complaints about this diabolical censorship so that we can get TheAlexJonesChannel reinstated.
Here's a link to YouTube's Help Center:
And here's some contact info for YouTube:
Official Address:
YouTube, LLC
901 Cherry Ave.
San Bruno, CA 94066
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001
Please ask them to reinstate "thealexjoneschannel". Be polite but show them we are upset and have reason to be!
NewWorldRebel also has a good suggestion:
"After you let YouTube & Google know what you think, try this: drop a line at the Pittsburgh Post telling them what you think of their actions at: http://biz.post-gazette.com/contact/c...
When that's done, go over to the Tribune (The Post's competitors) and leave them a message about how low the 'Post' is at: http://www.tribtotalmedia.com/contact...
One's no better than the other, but the Tribune may enjoy the chance of attacking the 'Post' for degrading free speech. Fight them the way they fight us. 10 people will make no difference. A few thousand of us doing this will definitely reap results. The people's greatest weapon is themselves."
Thanks to everyone who takes action, and thanks to eldrak21 and all the others who posted this vid before me :)
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