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I welcome you in this blogpage and I wish you nice Researchings, Discoveries, Visions, Understandings, Enlightments.
This blogpage is a try to collect all the marvellous efforts transmitting the known-knowledge, that was researched and collected and was given inside the filming masterpieces through the vision and the consciousness of reporting awareness and accuracy of their creators.
I wish to enrich your viewpoint and to widen it as were making to mine in different level and field each one of them.
The following of the video-posts is accidentally and the comments inside them belong to their same creators or uploaders.
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Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro
Friday, September 12
2012 The Online Movie
Part 2 of 13 (7,45 min.)
Part 3 of 13 (9,54 min.)
Part 4 of 13 (9,44 min.)
Part 5 of 13 (9,10 min.)
Part 6 of 13 (6,23 min.)
Part 7 of 13 (9,58 min.)
Part 8 of 13 (9,55 min.)
Part 9 of 13 (6,01 min.)
Part 10 of 13 (9,42 min.)
Part 11 of 13 (7,39 min.)
Part 12 of 13 (8,06 min.)
Part 13 of 13 (8,38 min.)
from http://www.maya12-21-2012.com
Please help to spread global consciousness by adding 2012 The Online Movie Part 1 of 13 to your favorites and sharing with all of your YouTube friends and subscribers. Feel free to email the link to anyone on your email list or to post the video(s) on any forum MySpace, Facebook, etc... Let's change the world and get the word out to as many people as possible!!!
2012 The Online Movie is one of the most comprehensive 2012 videos on the net, encompassing the Mayan calendar, crop circles, DNA upgrade, the photon belt, galactic alignment, astronomy, crop circles, prophecy and much more.
Featuring Alex Ansary, Gregg Braden, Dannion Brinkley, Kerry Cassidy, Alex Collier, David Flynn, Richard Hoagland, John Major Jenkins, Barbara Marciniak, Terrence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Bill Ryan, Geoff Stray, Jay Weidner and David Wilcock.
Please take the time to visit their websites!
Alex Ansary: Outside the Box
Gregg Braden: Homepage
Dannion Brinkley: Homepage
Kerry Cassidy: Project Camelot
Alex Collier: Uknown
David Flynn
Richard Hoagland: The Enterprise Mission
John Major Jenkins: Alignment 2012
Barbara Marciniak: Barbara Marciniak and the Pleiadians
(The late) Terrence McKenna: Terrence McKenna Land (tribute site)
Daniel Pinchbeck: Breaking Open the Head
Bill Ryan: Project Camelot
Geoff Stray: 2012 Dire Gnosis
Jay Weidner: Homepage
David Wilcock.: Divine Cosmos
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