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Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro

Shift of the Ages - movie with Don Alejandro
Participate and co-create the film! Help Spreading the message of the Mayan Elders to humanity for Love- Peace - Unity in the co-creation for a new world in harmony!

Sunday, August 23

Dolfins Massacre in Denmark and Japan!!!! - The Cove Film trailer

Dolphin massacre in Denmark - 10:59min

The Brutal Massacre of Innocent Dolphins in Denmark
In Feroe Islands, Denmark every year the young boys of the island go to the beach and kill this innocent animals. The Risso's Dolphin is a playful animal that only feels curiosity towards human kind. When they reach the beach they are trapped by this barbarous people that unmercifully kill every dolphin they can reach. By this they prove that they are not kids and now are adults. Thus they showoff their newly attained adulthood. This is an act of cruelty towards animals that only get close to them to play.

It is absolutely incredible that many people are ignorant about this senseless attack to life and that it happens in a supposedly 'civilized' country like Denmark belonging to the European Union. I believe that the human race has evolved enough for us to tolerate such acts or be participants of such barbarism

Spirituality : Animals

Stop Dolphin massacre in Denmark! - Petition

The Cove Trailer

Winner of the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, The Cove follows a high-tech dive team on a mission to discover the truth about the international dolphin capture trade as practiced in Taiji, Japan. Utilizing state-of-the-art techniques, including hidden microphones and cameras in fake rocks, the team uncovers how this small seaside village serves as a horrifying microcosm of massive ecological crimes happening worldwide.

The Cove exposes not only the tragedy of dolphin slaughtering in Japan, but also the dangerously high levels of mercury in dolphin meat and seafood, the cruelty in capturing dolphins for entertainment, and the depletion of our oceans fisheries by worldwide seafood consumption. We also see how the mandate of the International Whaling Commission has been manipulated by the Japanese Fisheries Agency for its benefit and its subsequent effect on the rest of the world.

How Filmmakers Used Spy Tech to Catch Dolphin Slaughter
The Cove Movie

Dolphin massacre in Japan

Dolphin Massacre in Japan - Petition

Happy & Free Dolphin

Saturday, August 22

Jim Arrabito - Alberto Rivera: The Secrets of the Jesuits - 2:01:23


Alberto Rivera and others who have first hand experience and information on the infiltration of the jesuits into all walks of life.

Details of plane crash involving Jim Arrabito?

The Reel Skinny

Video: Jim Arrabito, a Seventh-day Adventist, Interviews Former Jesuit, Alberto Rivera and Others

Alberto Rivera - Ex Jesuit Priest
(Wikki- except)
According to Rivera, Jesuits (of the Roma Catholic Church), are responsible for the creation of communism, Islam, and Nazism, and causing the World Wars, recession, the Jonestown Massacre, and the assassinations of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy (a Catholic); he further claims that the Catholic Church wants to spread homosexuality and abortion, that the Charismatic Movement is a front for the Catholic Church, that the Popes are antichrists, and that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon[3].

Alberto Comic

Monday, August 17

Richard Mathew Stallman: Copyright vs Community (in 12 Parts)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12


Richard Stallman giving speech about copyright vs community. That's the last part of the video! Hope you enjoyed RMS speech and learnt sumfin. Still if you wanna know more about him and the Free Software Movement jump onto:
Oh and i forgot to mention another site during his speech:

Free Software Foundation

Richard Stallman's Personal Home Page

Richard Stallman


Richard Stallman the creator of GNU and Free Software Movement giving a speech on copyright vs community and ethical issues about it. Just note there is silence for 34 seconds so plz wait!

While Richard Matthew Stallman (RMS for short) was interested on giving a speech about this topic, his main background was the development of the GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement. Now I won't be providing much detail as i don't have time. But links are provided to those who are interested:

RMS gives a speech on various other topics. "Copyright vs Community" is just one of them. I recommend you visit:

An article in Wikipedia defines further info on Free Software and has list of progs classed as Free software:

And and one last thing in his speech he mentioned apart from the speech "Copyright vs Community" is the operating is called Linux (or GNU/Linux as RMS prefers to call it). It is just another operating system compared to a Mac or Windows, but the huge difference is that it is released as Free Software (as like the 4 Freedoms), which Microsoft or Mac OS don't offer. Linux (or GNU/Linux) comes with many different 'distros'. 'Distros' are just like different flavours of the GNU/Linux OS. Now there are literally thousands of distros which i can't possibly list all of it here but you can find it in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_... and http://www.gnu.org/links/links.html#F... Many users who are new to Linux and fret "Oh no I'm gonna have to delete Windows before i try it out!", don't worry! Many distros come with a LiveCD version. LiveCD means you download GNU/Linux, burn it to a CD, reboot the the machine, and you'll be booting it without EVER having to install it in your hard drive. In other words you're booting from the CD and running it ENTIRELY on the CD. And when you're done, you remove the disc, reboot the machine, and you'll be booting to Windows unharmed! To anybody asking me which Linux i use, I use Ubuntu (http://www.ubuntu.com) and PCLinuxOS (http://www.pclinuxos.com), coz it has heaps of drivers (many which are released under a proprietary licence sadly) and all my hardware works out-of-the box.

EDIT: athinasios has just uploaded the same video with Greek subtitles on his channel. Any Greeks having difficulty in understanding English can check it out at http://youtube.com/athinasios

Sunday, August 16

Postgenderism: The Genetic Singularity

Part 1


My name is Hera. I'm told that I'm lucky to be one from of the last generations of naturally born humans. Genetic modifications were introduced to humanity for the greater good of all, for the elimination of imperfection, I'm told. But I do not feel lucky, because when I was born my mother died. The
complications that occured during my birth were too severe for the doctors to save her. I was forced to grow up without her, and the feelings of guilt continued to haunt me to this day. I did not want this same butden to befall my own future children, so I made a personal vow to never let such a thing happen.

The miracles of science have transformed maternity for the better. The artificial womb has made the violent way of giving birth a thing of the past. Our first child was recently born from a ResurTech Industries exowomb; A baby boy, Ganymedes. We are so fortunate to be living in the light of a new age.


I wrote Hera's story as fiction, but the situation it illustrates is based in current scientific fact. It is now 2009, and the creation of artificial wombs is already at an advanced stage. The information that I've come across while working on the story is mind boggling, and it has lead me to understand why this subject is so ambiguous.

"So why has relatively little attention been paid to research that could lead to a major change in reproductive capacity? In fact, much work goes unpublished because of the uproar it might create among activists, politicians, and religious figures for its social implications." -Colleen Carlston, Harvard Science Review, Fall 2008

The fact that scientific progress has been downplayed on purpose is extremely disturbing. This very same article goes on to explain the driving force behind the development of artificial wombs and their broader implications for global society.

"Beyond imagining new world orders, there are also some pragmatic reasons for why artificial wombs might be employed." -Colleen Carlston, Harvard Science Review, Fall 2008

The new world order could revolve around a genetically reengineered human being. Artificial wombs could bring the birth of a new man. Creating "designer babies" would be far easier with artificial wombs. The transhumanist movement openly calls for a posthuman future in which ALL traits of human biology are subject to change, this includes gender.

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies, a subgroup of the World Transhumanist Association, recently published a white paper entitled "Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary."

The title says it all, as the paper goes into detail about how a gender Singularity is not only possible, but also desirable.

"Postgenderists contend that dyadic gender roles and sexual dimorphisms are generally to the detriment of individuals and society. Assisted reproduction will make it possible for individuals of any sex to reproduce in any combinations they choose, with or without 'mothers' and 'fathers,' and artificial wombs will make biological wombs unnecessary for reproduction."

Postgenderism, transhumanism and some forms of radical feminism have much in common. This report mentions many radical feminists such as Shulamith Firestone, Donna Haraway, and Judith Butler whose views were labeled "cyberfeminism" and "technofeminism" as they advocated for the eventual use of cybernetics and artificials wombs. These things would supposedly bring women greater freedom by removing the pains of childbirth. Ultimately women would also be freed from the "burden" of raising their own children. This would allow them more time to succeed, and gain equality in the workforce.

The report goes on to say that men would also benefit from altering their gender traits. The genetic predisposition toward aggression could be altered to make males more placid, thus making them less prone to injury.

"If the Left program of social reform is to succeed, Singer argues, we must employ the new genetic and neurological sciences to identify and modify the aspects of human nature that cause conflict and competition."

Part 2


Changing genetics is not enough, creating the ultimate postgender human requires changing the brain itself. The gendered human brain could be rewired to fit a postgender blueprint.

"but only the blurring and erosion of biological sex, of the gendering of the brain, and of binary social roles by emerging technologies will enable individuals to access all human potentials and experiences regardless of their born sex or assumed gender."

Yes, the technological means to these bizarre ends are being developed. They have been in the works for a long time, and we are now confronted with material like this which illustrates the postgender goals which have fueled research from the very beginning. Transhumanism has taken old postgender ideas and built upon them with the description of far more advanced technologies.

"trans- or post-humans would at least be able to transcend the limitations of biological sex and would eventually be able to transcend the biological altogether into cybernetic or virtual form."

The fact that we already depend highly on virtual worlds, especially in terms of satisfying sexual desires is also mentioned. Virtual sex is touted as being safer, easier, and more customizable than traditional human relationships. The gender binary is slowly eroding as people blend their sexual identity with avatars of a different gender and often a different species. The ultimate revolution in virtual sex would occur when artificial intelligence could simulate the erotic response of a human, making virtual sex indistinguishable from the real thing.

"But the final liberation from dyadic, gendered, heteronormative relationships will likely come about through use of drugs that suppress pair-bonding impulses."

Why would anyone actually put such bold remarks down in writing? Why is the erosion of dualistic gender being sincerely explored by the scientific establishment? Is there a collective subconscious desire to merge the two sexes into one?


Part 3

The Unified Universॐ - particleion

Should the Human race abandon it's dual sex?

We would also appreciate any feedback good or bad lets us know what you think.


Co-created By Aaron Franz (ADDTV)

Narrated by:

Melissa Karnaze

Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary pdf

Saturday, August 15

Freeman: The Barackhenaten Presentation (Obama's Space War) 7 Parts

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Freeman talks at Brave New Books about the coming space war propelled by the fear of the coming asteroid, Apophis.

Recorded May 16th 2009 at Brave New Books in Austin Texas USA

Oracle Broadcasting - The FreeZone http://www.oraclebroadcasting.com/arc...
Website http://www.freemantv.com
Blog http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot...
Myspace http://www.myspace.com/freemantv
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/user/Freemantv/

Monday, August 10

Castor Oil (Kathy Castor Town Hall Meeting in Tampa)

Part 1

This is part one of the Tampa Town Hall meeting on August 6. Left Wing organizers are seen passing out Obama Flyers and signs.Once they see that others had their own signs, they quickly pick them up and hid them. Hundreds of people are outside trying to get in, many of them who had been waiting for hours while others were able to sneak in the back door. Even with all this, there was still many in the audience that booed once Kathy Castor started detailing the Health Care Plan.

Part 2

Part 2 of the Tampa Town Hall meeting on August 6. Even the people that was selectively allowed in weren't buying the Obama Care that Congresswoman Kathy Castor was selling.

maya12-21-2012.com MySpace Blog

Thursday, August 6

Steven M. Greer: Introducing The Orion Project - 7:57min.

The Orion Project is a non-profit foundation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.

In this video, project director Steven M. Greer, M.D., introduces the project and its goals.




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